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It's 2016, why are you still going to the office?


It's 2016, why are you still going to the office?

Seriously, why do so many brands that consider themselves leading edge still subscribe to the office environment?  While there are pros and cons to "office" or "not to office" the option to "not office" opens up a world of new possibilities.  

(click here for a great article summarizing the pros and cons and tools for working remotely)

Time is currency and one of the chief rewards of working remotely is time. It's like giving people a bonus.  When you give people time back in life to spend it on whatever makes them happy you get happier people.  This fundamental truth can then yield higher quality outputs.

I've worked remotely most of my life and can say for sure that 4 hours on my own is the equivalent to 8 hours in the office.  It has made me become feverishly focused on "the work" and intolerant of office politics, office gossip and cultural issues that distract teams from focusing on what matters most.  When people are empowered to use their time in a way that serves all aspects of their life they have less time to complain and more time to be productive.  

When I started working from home I did not have the tools we have today. We are lucky to be able to explore this new frontier where work meets life empowering us to enjoy a better balance and be happier people.
